(function($) { /* globals jQuery, mfn */ "use strict"; var scrollTicker, lightboxAttr, rtl = $('body').hasClass('rtl'), simple = $('body').hasClass('style-simple'), topBarTop = '61px', headerH = 0, mobileInitW = (mfn.mobileInit) ? mfn.mobileInit : 1240; /** * Lightbox | Magnific Popup */ if (!mfn.lightbox.disable) { if (!(mfn.lightbox.disableMobile && (window.innerWidth < 768))) { lightboxAttr = { title: mfn.lightbox.title ? mfn.lightbox.title : false, }; } } /** * Admin Bar & WooCommerce Store Notice */ function adminBarH() { var height = 0; // WP adminbar if ($('body').hasClass('admin-bar')) { height += $('#wpadminbar').innerHeight(); } // WC demo store if ($('body').hasClass('woocommerce-demo-store')) { height += $('body > p.demo_store').innerHeight(); } return height; } /** * Header | Sticky */ function mfnSticky() { if ($('body').hasClass('sticky-header')) { if (!($('body').hasClass('header-creative') && window.innerWidth >= 768)) { var startY = headerH; var windowY = $(window).scrollTop(); if (windowY > startY) { if (!($('#Top_bar').hasClass('is-sticky'))) { $('.header_placeholder').css('height', $('#Top_bar').height()); $('#Top_bar') .addClass('is-sticky') .css('top', -60) .animate({ 'top': adminBarH() + 'px' }, 300); // Header width mfnHeader(); } } else { if ($('#Top_bar').hasClass('is-sticky')) { $('.header_placeholder').css('height', 0); $('#Top_bar') .removeClass('is-sticky') .css('top', topBarTop); // Retina Logo - max height stickyLogo(); // Header width mfnHeader(); } } mfnMobileSticky(); } } } /** * Header | Sticky | Retina Logo - max height */ function stickyLogo() { // ! retina display if (window.devicePixelRatio <= 1) { return false; } var parent = $('#Top_bar #logo'); // ! retina logo set if (!parent.hasClass('retina')) { return false; } var el = $('img.logo-main', parent); var height = el.data('height'); if ($('body').hasClass('logo-overflow')) { // do nothing } else if (height > parent.data('height')) { height = parent.data('height'); } el.css('max-height', height + 'px'); 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$('.top_bar_left, .menu > li > ul.mfn-megamenu').css('width', leftW); } /** * FIX | Header | Sticky | Height */ function fixStickyHeaderH() { var stickyH = 0; // FIX | sticky top bar height var topBar = $('.sticky-header #Top_bar'); if (topBar.hasClass('is-sticky')) { stickyH = $('.sticky-header #Top_bar').innerHeight(); } else { topBar.addClass('is-sticky'); stickyH = $('.sticky-header #Top_bar').innerHeight(); topBar.removeClass('is-sticky'); } // FIX | responsive if ($(window).width() < mobileInitW) { if ($(window).width() < 768) { // mobile if (!$('body').hasClass('mobile-sticky')) { stickyH = 0; } } else { // tablet if (!$('body').hasClass('tablet-sticky')) { stickyH = 0; } } } else { // desktop // FIX | header creative if ($('body').hasClass('header-creative')) { stickyH = 0; } } return stickyH; } /** * Sidebar | Height */ function mfnSidebar() { if ($('.with_aside .four.columns').length) { var maxH = $('#Content .sections_group').outerHeight(); $('.with_aside .four.columns .widget-area').each(function() { $(this).css('min-height', 0); if ($(this).height() > maxH) { maxH = $(this).height(); } }); $('.with_aside .four.columns .widget-area').css('min-height', maxH + 'px'); } } /** * Section | Full Screen */ function mfnSectionH() { var windowH = $(window).height(); // FIX | next/prev section var offset = 0; if ($('.section.full-screen:not(.hide-desktop)').length > 1) { offset = 5; } $('.section.full-screen').each(function() { var section = $(this); var wrapper = $('.section_wrapper', section); section .css('padding', 0) .css('min-height', windowH + offset); var padding = (windowH + offset - wrapper.height()) / 2; if (padding < 50) padding = 50; wrapper .css('padding-top', padding + 10) // 20 = column margin-bottom / 2 .css('padding-bottom', padding - 10); }); } /** * Equal Height | Wraps */ function mfnEqualHeightWrap() { $('.section.equal-height-wrap .section_wrapper').each(function() { var maxH = 0; $('> .wrap', $(this)).each(function() { $(this).css('height', 'auto'); if ($(this).innerHeight() > maxH) { maxH = $(this).innerHeight(); } }); $('> .wrap', $(this)).css('height', maxH + 'px'); }); } /** * Equal Height | Items */ function mfnEqualHeight() { $('.section.equal-height .mcb-wrap-inner').each(function() { var maxH = 0; $('> .column', $(this)).each(function() { $(this).css('height', 'auto'); if ($(this).height() > maxH) { maxH = $(this).height(); } }); $('> .column', $(this)).css('height', maxH + 'px'); }); } /** * Into | Full Screen */ function mfnIntroH() { var windowH = $(window).height() - $('#Header_wrapper').height() - adminBarH(); $('#Intro.full-screen').each(function() { var el = $(this); var inner = $('.intro-inner', el); el.css('padding', 0).css('min-height', windowH); var padding = (windowH - inner.height()) / 2; inner.css('padding-top', padding).css('padding-bottom', padding); }); } /** * Footer | Sliding | Height */ function mfnFooter() { // Fixed, Sliding if ($('.footer-fixed #Footer, .footer-sliding #Footer').length) { var footerH = $('#Footer').height() - 1; $('#Content').css('margin-bottom', footerH + 'px'); 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} if ($(hash).length) { var tabsHeaderH = $(hash).siblings('.ui-tabs-nav').innerHeight(); $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: $(hash).offset().top - fixStickyHeaderH() - tabsHeaderH - adminBarH() }, 500); } } } /** * One Page | Scroll Active */ function onePageActive() { if ($('body').hasClass('one-page')) { var stickyH = $('.sticky-header #Top_bar').innerHeight(); var windowT = $(window).scrollTop(); var start = windowT + stickyH + adminBarH() + 1; var first = false; $('div[data-id], section[data-id]').each(function() { if ($(this).visible(true)) { if (!first) { first = $(this); } else if (($(this).offset().top < start) && ($(this).offset().top > first.offset().top)) { first = $(this); } } if (first) { var newActive = first.attr('data-id'); var active = '[data-hash="' + newActive + '"]'; if (newActive) { var menu = $('#menu'); menu.find('li').removeClass('current-menu-item current-menu-parent current-menu-ancestor current_page_item current_page_parent current_page_ancestor'); $(active, menu) .closest('li').addClass('current-menu-item') .closest('.menu > li').addClass('current-menu-item'); } } }); } } /** * Contact Form 7 | Popup */ function cf7popup(hash) { if (hash && $(hash).length) { var id = $(hash).closest('.popup-content').attr('id'); $('a.popup-link[href="#' + id + '"]:not(.once)') .addClass('once') .trigger('click'); } } /** * Zoom Box | Vertical Align */ function zoomBoxVerticalAlign() { $('.zoom_box').each(function() { var el = $(this); var elH = el.height(); var desc = el.find('.desc_wrap'); var descH = desc.height(); var padding = (elH - descH) / 2; desc.css('padding-top', padding + 'px'); }); } /** * $(document).ready * Specify a function to execute when the DOM is fully loaded. */ $(document).ready(function() { /** * Top Bar */ $('#Top_bar').removeClass('loading'); topBarTop = parseInt($('#Top_bar').css('top'), 10); if (topBarTop < 0) topBarTop = 61; topBarTop = topBarTop + 'px'; /** * Menu | Overlay */ $('.overlay-menu-toggle').on('click',function(e) { e.preventDefault(); $(this).toggleClass('focus'); $('#Overlay').stop(true, true).fadeToggle(500); var menuH = $('#Overlay nav').height() / 2; $('#Overlay nav').css('margin-top', '-' + menuH + 'px'); }); $('#Overlay').on('click', '.menu-item > a', function() { $('.overlay-menu-toggle').trigger('click'); }); /** * Menu | Responsive | button */ $('.responsive-menu-toggle').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var el = $(this); var menu = $('#Top_bar #menu'); var menuWrap = menu.closest('.top_bar_left'); el.toggleClass('active'); // sticky menu button if (el.hasClass('is-sticky') && el.hasClass('active') && (window.innerWidth < 768)) { var top = 0; if (menuWrap.length) { top = menuWrap.offset().top - adminBarH(); } $('body,html').animate({ scrollTop: top }, 200); } menu.stop(true, true).slideToggle(200); }); /** * Menu | Responsive | Side Slide */ function sideSlide() { var slide = $('#Side_slide'); var overlay = $('#body_overlay'); var ssMobileInitW = mobileInitW; var pos = 'right'; var shiftSlide = -slide.data('width'); var shiftBody = shiftSlide / 2; // constructor var constructor = function() { if (!slide.hasClass('enabled')) { $('nav#menu').detach().appendTo('#Side_slide .menu_wrapper'); slide.addClass('enabled'); } }; // destructor var destructor = function() { if (slide.hasClass('enabled')) { close(); $('nav#menu').detach().prependTo('#Top_bar .menu_wrapper'); slide.removeClass('enabled'); } }; // reload var reload = function() { if ((window.innerWidth < ssMobileInitW)) { constructor(); } else { destructor(); } }; // init var init = function() { if (slide.hasClass('left')) { pos = 'left'; } // responsive off if ($('body').hasClass('responsive-off')) { ssMobileInitW = 0; } // header simple if ($('body').hasClass('header-simple')) { ssMobileInitW = 9999; } reload(); }; // reset to default var reset = function(time) { $('.lang-active.active', slide).removeClass('active').children('i').attr('class', 'icon-down-open-mini'); $('.lang-wrapper', slide).fadeOut(0); $('.icon.search.active', slide).removeClass('active'); $('.search-wrapper', slide).fadeOut(0); $('.menu_wrapper, .social', slide).fadeIn(time); }; // menu button var button = function() { // show if (pos == 'left') { slide.animate({ 'left': 0 }, 300); $('body').animate({ 'right': shiftBody }, 300); } else { slide.animate({ 'right': 0 }, 300); $('body').animate({ 'left': shiftBody }, 300); } overlay.fadeIn(300); // reset reset(0); }; // close var close = function() { if (pos == 'left') { slide.animate({ 'left': shiftSlide }, 300); $('body').animate({ 'right': 0 }, 300); } else { slide.animate({ 'right': shiftSlide }, 300); $('body').animate({ 'left': 0 }, 300); } overlay.fadeOut(300); // if page contains revolution slider, trigger resize if ($('.rev_slider').length) { setTimeout(function() { $(window).trigger('resize'); }, 300); } }; // search $('.icon.search', slide).on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var el = $(this); if (el.hasClass('active')) { $('.search-wrapper', slide).fadeOut(0); $('.menu_wrapper, .social', slide).fadeIn(300); } else { $('.search-wrapper', slide).fadeIn(300); $('.menu_wrapper, .social', slide).fadeOut(0); $('.lang-active.active', slide).removeClass('active').children('i').attr('class', 'icon-down-open-mini'); $('.lang-wrapper', slide).fadeOut(0); } el.toggleClass('active'); }); // search form submit $('a.submit', slide).on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); $('#side-form').submit(); }); // lang menu $('.lang-active', slide).on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var el = $(this); if (el.hasClass('active')) { $('.lang-wrapper', slide).fadeOut(0); $('.menu_wrapper, .social', slide).fadeIn(300); el.children('i').attr('class', 'icon-down-open-mini'); } else { $('.lang-wrapper', slide).fadeIn(300); $('.menu_wrapper, .social', slide).fadeOut(0); el.children('i').attr('class', 'icon-up-open-mini'); $('.icon.search.active', slide).removeClass('active'); $('.search-wrapper', slide).fadeOut(0); } el.toggleClass('active'); }); // init, click, debouncedresize // init init(); // click | menu button $('.responsive-menu-toggle').off('click'); $('.responsive-menu-toggle').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); button(); }); // click | close overlay.on('click', function(e) { close(); }); $('.close', slide).on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); close(); }); // click | below search or languages menu $(slide).on('click', function(e) { if ($(e.target).is(slide)) { reset(300); } }); // debouncedresize $(window).on('debouncedresize', reload); } if ($('body').hasClass('mobile-side-slide')) { sideSlide(); } /** * Gallery | WordPress Gallery */ // WordPress <= 4.9 | content $('.sections_group .gallery').each(function() { var el = $(this); var id = el.attr('id'); $('> br', el).remove(); $('.gallery-icon > a', el) .wrap('
') .prepend('
') .children('img') .css('height', 'auto') .css('width', '100%'); // lightbox | link to media file if (el.hasClass('file')) { $('.gallery-icon a', el).attr('rel', 'prettyphoto[' + id + ']'); } // isotope for masonry layout if (el.hasClass('masonry')) { el.isotope({ itemSelector: '.gallery-item', layoutMode: 'masonry', isOriginLeft: rtl ? false : true }); } }); // WordPress >= 5.0 | content $('.sections_group .wp-block-gallery').each(function(index) { var el = $(this); var link = $('.blocks-gallery-item a', el); // lightbox | link to media file if ((/\.(gif|jpg|jpeg|png)$/i).test(link.attr('href'))) { link.attr('rel', 'prettyphoto[wp5-gallery-' + index + ']'); } }); // widgets $('.widget_media_gallery .gallery').each(function() { var el = $(this); var id = el.attr('id'); // lightbox | link to media file $('.gallery-icon a', el).attr('rel', 'prettyphoto[widget-' + id + ']'); }); /** * Lightbox | PrettyPhoto */ $('a[rel^="prettyphoto[portfolio]"]').each(function() { var el = $(this); var parent = el.closest('.column'); var index = $('.column').index(parent); el.attr('rel', 'prettyphoto[portfolio-' + index + ']'); }); /** * Lightbox | Magnific Popup * with prettyPhoto backward compatibility */ function lightbox() { var galleries = []; // init var init = function() { if (lightboxAttr) { compatibility(); setType(); constructor(); } }; // backward compatibility for prettyPhoto var compatibility = function() { $('a[rel^="prettyphoto"], a.prettyphoto, a[rel^="prettyphoto"]').each(function() { var el = $(this); var rel = el.attr('rel'); if (rel) { rel = rel.replace('prettyphoto', 'lightbox'); } else { rel = 'lightbox'; } // Visual Composer prettyPhoto var dataRel = el.attr('data-rel'); if (dataRel) { rel = dataRel.replace('prettyPhoto', 'lightbox'); el.removeAttr('data-rel'); } el.removeClass('prettyphoto').attr('rel', rel); }); }; // check if item is a part of gallery var isGallery = function(rel) { if (!rel) { return false; } var regExp = /\[(?:.*)\]/; var gallery = regExp.exec(rel); if (gallery) { gallery = gallery[0]; gallery = gallery.replace('[', '').replace(']', ''); return gallery; } return false; }; // set array of names of galleries var setGallery = function(gallery) { if (galleries.indexOf(gallery) == -1) { galleries.push(gallery); return true; } return false; }; // get file type by link var getType = function(src) { if (src.match(/youtube\.com\/watch/i) || src.match(/youtube\.com\/embed/i) || src.match(/youtu\.be/i)) { return 'iframe'; } else if (src.match(/youtube-nocookie\.com/i)) { return 'iframe'; } else if (src.match(/vimeo\.com/i)) { return 'iframe'; } else if (src.match(/\biframe=true\b/i)) { return 'ajax'; } else if (src.match(/\bajax=true\b/i)) { return 'ajax'; } else if (src.substr(0, 1) == '#') { return 'inline'; } else { return 'image'; } }; // set file type var setType = function() { $('a[rel^="lightbox"]').each(function() { var el = $(this); var href = el.attr('href'); var rel = el.attr('rel'); if (href) { // gallery var gallery = isGallery(rel); if (gallery) { el.attr('data-type', 'gallery'); setGallery(gallery); return true; } el.attr('data-type', getType(href)); // iframe paremeters if (getType(href) == 'iframe') { el.attr('href', href.replace('&rel=0', '')); } } }); }; // constructor var constructor = function() { var attr = { autoFocusLast: false, removalDelay: 160, image: { titleSrc: function(item) { var img = item.el.closest('.image_wrapper').find('img').first(); if (lightboxAttr.title && img.length) { return img.attr('alt'); } else { return false; } } } }; // image $('a[rel^="lightbox"][data-type="image"]').magnificPopup({ autoFocusLast: attr.autoFocusLast, removalDelay: attr.removalDelay, type: 'image', image: attr.image }); // iframe | video $('a[rel^="lightbox"][data-type="iframe"]').magnificPopup({ autoFocusLast: attr.autoFocusLast, removalDelay: attr.removalDelay, type: 'iframe', iframe: { patterns: { youtube: { index: 'youtube.com/', id: 'v=', src: '//www.youtube.com/embed/%id%?autoplay=1&rel=0' }, youtu_be: { index: 'youtu.be/', id: '/', src: '//www.youtube.com/embed/%id%?autoplay=1&rel=0' }, nocookie: { index: 'youtube-nocookie.com/embed/', id: '/', src: '//www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/%id%?autoplay=1&rel=0' } } } }); // inline $('a[rel^="lightbox"][data-type="inline"]').magnificPopup({ autoFocusLast: attr.autoFocusLast, type: 'inline', midClick: true, callbacks: { open: function() { $('.mfp-content').children().addClass('mfp-inline'); }, beforeClose: function() { $('.mfp-content').children().removeClass('mfp-inline'); } } }); // gallery for (var i = 0, len = galleries.length; i < len; i++) { var gallery = '[' + galleries[i] + ']'; gallery = 'a[rel^="lightbox' + gallery + '"]:visible'; $(gallery).magnificPopup({ autoFocusLast: attr.autoFocusLast, removalDelay: attr.removalDelay, type: 'image', image: attr.image, gallery: { enabled: true, tCounter: '%curr% / %total%' // markup of counter } }); } }; // reload var reload = function() { $('a[rel^="lightbox"]').off('click'); constructor(); }; // Visual Composer prettyPhoto | off var offPretty = function() { if (lightboxAttr) { $('a[data-rel^="prettyPhoto"], a[rel^="lightbox"]').each(function() { $(this).off('click.prettyphoto'); }); } }; // init init(); // onload $(window).on('load', offPretty); $(document).on('isotope:arrange', reload); } lightbox(); /** * Menu | mfnMenu */ function mainMenu() { var mmMobileInitW = mobileInitW; if ($('body').hasClass('header-simple') || $('#Header_creative.dropdown').length) { mmMobileInitW = 9999; } $('#menu > ul.menu').mfnMenu({ addLast: true, arrows: true, mobileInit: mmMobileInitW, responsive: mfn.responsive }); $('#secondary-menu > ul.secondary-menu').mfnMenu({ mobileInit: mmMobileInitW, responsive: mfn.responsive }); } mainMenu(); /** * Menu | NOT One Page | .scroll item * Works with .scroll class * Since 4.8 replaced with: Page Options > One Page | function: onePageMenu() */ function onePageScroll() { if (!$('body').hasClass('one-page')) { var menu = $('#menu'); if (menu.find('li.scroll').length > 1) { menu.find('li.current-menu-item:not(:first)').removeClass('current-menu-item currenet-menu-parent current-menu-ancestor current-page-ancestor current_page_item current_page_parent current_page_ancestor'); // menu item click menu.on('click','a',function() { $(this).closest('li').siblings('li').removeClass('current-menu-item currenet-menu-parent current-menu-ancestor current-page-ancestor current_page_item current_page_parent current_page_ancestor'); $(this).closest('li').addClass('current-menu-item'); }); } } } onePageScroll(); /** * Menu | One Page | Active on Scroll & Click */ function onePageMenu() { if ($('body').hasClass('one-page')) { var menu = $('#menu'); // add attr [data-hash] & [data-id] $('a[href]', menu).each(function() { var url = $(this).attr('href'); if (url && url.split('#')[1]) { // data-hash var hash = '#' + url.split('#')[1]; if (hash && $(hash).length) { // check if element with specified ID exists $(this).attr('data-hash', hash); $(hash).attr('data-id', hash); } // Visual Composer var vcHash = '#' + url.split('#')[1]; var vcClass = '.vc_row.' + url.split('#')[1]; if (vcClass && $(vcClass).length) { // check if element with specified Class exists $(this).attr('data-hash', vcHash); $(vcClass).attr('data-id', vcHash); } } }); // active var hash; var activeSelector = '.menu > li.current-menu-item, .menu > li.current-menu-parent, .menu > li.current-menu-ancestor, .menu > li.current-page-ancestor, .menu > li.current_page_item, .menu > li.current_page_parent, .menu > li.current_page_ancestor'; var activeClasses = 'current-menu-item current-menu-parent current-menu-ancestor current-page-ancestor current_page_item current_page_parent current_page_ancestor'; if ($(activeSelector, menu).length) { // remove duplicated $(activeSelector, menu) .not(':first').removeClass(activeClasses); // remove if 1st link to section & section is not visible hash = $(activeSelector, menu).find('a[data-hash]').attr('data-hash'); if (hash) { hash = '[data-id="' + hash + '"]'; if ($(hash).length && $(hash).visible(true)) { // do nothing } else { $(activeSelector, menu).removeClass('current-menu-item current-menu-parent current-menu-ancestor current-page-ancestor current_page_item current_page_parent current_page_ancestor') .closest('.menu > li').removeClass('current-menu-item current-menu-parent current-menu-ancestor current-page-ancestor current_page_item current_page_parent current_page_ancestor'); } } else { // do nothing } } else { // add to first if none is active var first = $('.menu:first-child > li:first-child', menu); var firstA = first.children('a'); if (firstA.attr('data-hash')) { hash = firstA.attr('data-hash'); hash = '[data-id="' + hash + '"]'; if ($(hash).length && ($(hash).offset().top == adminBarH())) { first.addClass('current-menu-item'); } } } // click $('#menu a[data-hash]').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); // only with: body.one-page // active menu.find('li').removeClass('current-menu-item'); $(this) .closest('li').addClass('current-menu-item') .closest('.menu > li').addClass('current-menu-item'); var hash = $(this).attr('data-hash'); hash = '[data-id="' + hash + '"]'; // mobile - sticky header - close menu if (window.innerWidth < 768) { $('.responsive-menu-toggle').removeClass('active'); $('#Top_bar #menu').hide(); } // offset var headerFixedAbH = $('.header-fixed.ab-show #Action_bar').innerHeight(); var tabsHeaderH = $(hash).siblings('.ui-tabs-nav').innerHeight(); var offset = headerFixedAbH + tabsHeaderH + adminBarH(); // sticky height var stickyH = fixStickyHeaderH(); // FIX | Header below | 1st section if ($('body').hasClass('header-below') && $('#Content').length) { if ($(hash).offset().top < ($('#Content').offset().top + 60)) { stickyH = -1; } } // animate scroll $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: $(hash).offset().top - offset - stickyH }, 500); }); } } onePageMenu(); /** * Header | Creative */ var cHeader = 'body:not( .header-open ) #Header_creative', cHeaderEl = $(cHeader), cHeaderCurrnet; function creativeHeader() { $('.creative-menu-toggle').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); cHeaderEl.addClass('active'); $('.creative-menu-toggle, .creative-social', cHeaderEl).fadeOut(500); $('#Action_bar', cHeaderEl).fadeIn(500); }); } creativeHeader(); $(document).on('mouseenter', cHeader, function() { cHeaderCurrnet = 1; }); $(document).on('mouseleave', cHeader, function() { cHeaderCurrnet = null; setTimeout(function() { if (!cHeaderCurrnet) { cHeaderEl.removeClass('active'); $('.creative-menu-toggle, .creative-social', cHeaderEl).fadeIn(500); $('#Action_bar', cHeaderEl).fadeOut(500); } }, 1000); }); // Fix: Header Creative & Mobile Sticky | On Resize > 768 px function creativeHeaderFix() { if ($('body').hasClass('header-creative') && window.innerWidth >= 768) { if ($('#Top_bar').hasClass('is-sticky')) { $('#Top_bar').removeClass('is-sticky'); } } } /** * Header | Search */ $("#search_button:not(.has-input), #Top_bar .icon_close").on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); $('#Top_bar .search_wrapper').fadeToggle() .find('.field').focus(); }); /** * WPML | Language switcher in the WP Menu */ function mfnWPML() { $('#menu .menu-item-language:not(.menu-item-language-current)').each(function() { var el = $(this).children('a'); if (!el.children('span:not(.icl_lang_sel_bracket)').length) { el.wrapInner(''); } }); $('#menu span.icl_lang_sel_bracket').each(function() { var el = $(this); el.replaceWith(el.html()); }); } mfnWPML(); /** * Breadcrumbs | Remove last item link */ function breadcrumbsRemoveLastLink() { var el = $('.breadcrumbs.no-link').find('li').last(); 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// On | debouncedresize $(window).on('debouncedresize', function() { slider.slick('slickSetOption', 'slidesToShow', slickAutoResponsive(slider, slidesToShow), false); slider.slick('slickSetOption', 'slidesToScroll', slickAutoResponsive(slider, slidesToShow), true); }); }); } // Slider | Clients function mfnSliderClients() { $('.clients_slider_ul').each(function() { var slider = $(this); slider.slick({ cssEase: 'ease-out', dots: false, infinite: true, touchThreshold: 10, speed: 300, prevArrow: '', nextArrow: '', appendArrows: slider.siblings('.clients_slider_header'), rtl: rtl ? true : false, autoplay: mfn.slider.clients ? true : false, autoplaySpeed: mfn.slider.clients ? mfn.slider.clients : 5000, slidesToShow: slickAutoResponsive(slider, 4), slidesToScroll: slickAutoResponsive(slider, 4) }); // ON | debouncedresize $(window).on('debouncedresize', function() { slider.slick('slickSetOption', 'slidesToShow', slickAutoResponsive(slider, 4), false); slider.slick('slickSetOption', 'slidesToScroll', slickAutoResponsive(slider, 4), true); }); }); } // Slider | Portfolio function sliderPortfolio() { $('.portfolio_slider_ul').each(function() { var slider = $(this); var size = 380; var scroll = 5; if (slider.closest('.portfolio_slider').data('size')) { size = slider.closest('.portfolio_slider').data('size'); } if (slider.closest('.portfolio_slider').data('size')) { scroll = slider.closest('.portfolio_slider').data('scroll'); } slider.slick({ cssEase: 'ease-out', dots: false, infinite: true, touchThreshold: 10, speed: 300, prevArrow: '', nextArrow: '', rtl: rtl ? true : false, autoplay: mfn.slider.portfolio ? true : false, autoplaySpeed: mfn.slider.portfolio ? mfn.slider.portfolio : 5000, slidesToShow: slickAutoResponsive(slider, 5, size), slidesToScroll: slickAutoResponsive(slider, scroll, size) }); // ON | debouncedresize $(window).on('debouncedresize', function() { slider.slick('slickSetOption', 'slidesToShow', slickAutoResponsive(slider, 5, size), false); slider.slick('slickSetOption', 'slidesToScroll', slickAutoResponsive(slider, scroll, size), true); }); }); } // Slider | Slider function sliderSlider() { var pager = function(el, i) { return '' + i + ''; }; $('.content_slider_ul').each(function() { var slider = $(this); var count = 1; var centerMode = false; if (slider.closest('.content_slider').hasClass('carousel')) { count = slickAutoResponsive(slider); $(window).on('debouncedresize', function() { slider.slick('slickSetOption', 'slidesToShow', slickAutoResponsive(slider), false); slider.slick('slickSetOption', 'slidesToScroll', slickAutoResponsive(slider), true); }); } if (slider.closest('.content_slider').hasClass('center')) { centerMode = true; } slider.slick({ cssEase: 'cubic-bezier(.4,0,.2,1)', dots: true, infinite: true, touchThreshold: 10, speed: 300, centerMode: centerMode, centerPadding: '20%', prevArrow: '', nextArrow: '', adaptiveHeight: true, appendDots: slider.siblings('.slider_pager'), customPaging: pager, rtl: rtl ? true : false, autoplay: mfn.slider.slider ? true : false, autoplaySpeed: mfn.slider.slider ? mfn.slider.slider : 5000, slidesToShow: count, slidesToScroll: count }); // Lightbox | disable on dragstart var clickEvent = false; slider.on('dragstart', '.slick-slide a[rel="lightbox"]', function(event) { if (lightboxAttr) { var events = $(this).data('events'); clickEvent = events.click[0]; $(this).addClass('off-click').off('click'); } }); // Lightbox | enable after change slider.on('afterChange', function(event, slick, currentSlide, nextSlide) { if (lightboxAttr) { $('a.off-click[rel="lightbox"]', slider).removeClass('off-click').on('click', clickEvent); } }); }); } // Slider | Testimonials function sliderTestimonials() { var pager = function(el, i) { var img = $(el.$slides[i]).find('.single-photo-img').html(); return '' + img + ''; }; $('.testimonials_slider_ul').each(function() { var slider = $(this); slider.slick({ cssEase: 'ease-out', dots: true, infinite: true, touchThreshold: 10, speed: 300, prevArrow: '', nextArrow: '', adaptiveHeight: true, appendDots: slider.siblings('.slider_pager'), customPaging: pager, rtl: rtl ? true : false, autoplay: mfn.slider.testimonials ? true : false, autoplaySpeed: mfn.slider.testimonials ? mfn.slider.testimonials : 5000, slidesToShow: 1, slidesToScroll: 1 }); }); } })(jQuery);